October 10, 2013

A Salute to Our Dental Hygienist!

Join us in saluting our hygienist Louise Muñoz! And, dental hygienists everywhere during National Dental Hygiene Month. All too often, we overlook the critical role hygienists play in keeping us healthy.

First Line of Defense

Did you know that Dental Hygienists are your first line of defense in battling diseases that attack your oral health and can effect your overall health?

When you come in for your six-month visit, Louise will not only clean your teeth but check for potential disease in the gum and tooth structures that could have serious consequences. If these tooth and gum diseases are caught early, they're usually treated – easily – with no further concern. But, if something serious is going on in your mouth, then it needs to be discovered and dealt with swiftly before it becomes a bigger health issue.

Once you're comfortable in the chair, Louise performs a series of tasks that lead to achieving and supporting your optimal oral health:

  • Assessment: Louise reviews or updates your medical history, takes any necessary x-rays, performs a clinical exam by checking for cavities with the Diagnodent, and does a periodontal assessment by probing and exploring gum tissue around the teeth.
  • Dental hygiene diagnosis: Louise identifies problems that will lead to a treatment plan and/or therapies. The final diagnosis of disease and/or treatments is decided Dr. Klyber.
  • Treatment Planning: Louise creates a plan, approved by Dr. Klyber, to address any immediate oral hygiene concerns. This can be an immediate treatment like applying sealants or fluoride to help prevent cavities. Or, it could be more involved depending on the seriousness of your case.
  • Treatment: Louise initiates the treatment and if necessary, the patient performs the steps prescribed in the treatment plan to alleviate disease and discomfort.
  • Evaluation: Louise will determine the effectiveness of the of the oral hygiene treatment at a follow-up visit and discuss her findings with Dr. Klyber. Sometimes a treatment is only partially effective. In those cases, Dr. Klyber and Louise develop a different approach to achieve the best oral health.

More Than Just Cleaning

Good oral hygiene is about more than just cleaning your teeth. It is part of delivering comprehensive dental care that contributes to your overall health and well-being. Louise is a vital part of the co-therapeutic team with Dr. Klyber in delivering this care. For example, Louise provides a three important hygiene services:

  • Prevention: this includes activities such as the regular cleanings, x-rays, scaling & root planing, or fluoride treatments.
  • Education: teaching you and other patients about the importance of preventative oral care and the essentials of a good oral care regimen.
  • Oral Hygiene Therapy: treating certain conditions to stop disease, discomfort and maintain good oral health. For example: she may apply a special root sealer for cold sensitivity that can last up to a year.

So, you can see there is a lot more to sitting in Louise's hygiene chair than meets the eye. And, a lot more involved in staying orally healthy.

Quiet Heroes

Louise, like most dental hygienists, shows up and works diligently to make sure you have the best oral care possible. She is committed to helping you achieve excellent oral health and understands the important role she plays in your overall health. She gives you and every patient the professional care and consideration needed to make your hygiene visit as effective and comfortable as it can be. And, she does this without a lot of hoopla, drama, or fanfare.

So, for all that you do, we say, "Thank-you Louise!" And, the next time you're in her chair, you might say, "Thank-you" too.