December 23, 2013

Dr. Klyber's Holiday Message

Once again, the Holidays have arrived.  Where did 2013 go? It seems like just a few weeks ago we were busy with Fourth of July cookouts, standing outside in the warm summer evening, watching fireworks. And now, we are enduring snow,  ice and shoveling duties.of which is designed to help with large, unexpected expenses.

At the Office, we've seen the excitement in the eyes of children when we ask them what they are wishing for. Their joy is contagious! It's usually a request for something that either requires a plug or batteries, but the expectations of happiness are the same.

But for us Grownups, it's a very busy time.  We still have to juggle the responsibilities of work and home along with standing in long lines in stores. That doesn't leave much time for ourselves.

When all is said and done, the best Holiday gift that we can give and receive is time spent with those we love. It will be those memories that will stay with us long after the flurry of the Season passes.

So from Laura, Carroll, Louise, Rosa and I,  we want to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all of our Dental families....those old friends and those new faces who grace our doorway and send All of you our

B E S T  W I S H E S 

for a

Wonder-Filled  Holiday Season

and a


Abundant 2014